A. You looooooove IKEA. IKEA is your thing.
B. You loathe IKEA. You hate it’s pure existence and think it’s the devil.
C. You don’t know about IKEA and you’ll end up an A or B eventually.
D. You like/love/adore IKEA until you try to put together the furniture… you then fall into a B category for a while and then return to A, quickly.
I am a certain A or D. Mostly A.
Today we got a Sneak Peek at our new IKEA store. If you know me you know I love décor. Anything that has to do with decorating, I about fall apart over. I can find inspiration anywhere and everywhere. And I’ve waited 13 years for IKEA in CO. For me, IKEA is definitely my “style”. Room and Board is also my style, just not in my price range! So, IKEA works, always has, for me! I know, I know… you hate it. That’s okay.
A friend from work sent me a text/FB post late last night telling me that she had a “GOLDEN TICKET” for me. A pass to get myself and a car load of my favorite peeps into IKEA, 3 days before it opens. Uh, awesome co-worker say what??? YES please! It’s no secret around these parts that I am an IKEA junkie. We’ve had some long dark roads over the last decade that we’re finally emerging from. Having the “liberty” to enjoy POINTLESS things (and yes, IKEA is pointless) is a blessing, finally.
So, GOLDEN TICKET in hand and only slightly concerned that I might be waking my sister and brother in law up, I texted the news… We were going to IKEA! Early. Like in two hours. Get up, get ready… Who’s your favorite sister in the world? That’s right… ME!
I took pictures. Yes. You heard it right… picture. So my “review” is this: I like it. Shocker, I know. It’s laid out well, the shortcuts are good. Newbies, get familiar with your shortcuts. IKEA has “grown up” a lot in the last dozen years. Final word: I’ll be there, a lot. Enjoy the pics…..
13 years I’ve waited for this view!
Reusable yellow shopping bag? CHECK! And, no, I wasn’t happy at all….
At this point and juncture, I’m overwhelmed, we’re only 70 yards in! And, you’ll be happy to know that all remaining pics are of products only. And my McHottie of a hubs standing in faux kitchens.
A typical IKEA set up…
I ran into this chair because I didn’t see it. HA!
I absolutely love their lighting selections! I didn’t even get a pic of the one we’re doing over the island. Totally vintage industrial chic. Sold.
Uh.. cute!!!
Uh, yes please. Love. Love. Love. Love.
Ah.. our future countertop for our future island. We love butcher block and have waited to complete things so that we can buy IKEA butcher block! Stained a little darker… wa la. Me. My style.
For a “dark” kitchen, I like!
Seriously, even from the back… he’s adorable. It helps that he always looks like a 24 year old surfer dude. And, he's not 24 by the way.
Need appliances? IKEA has you covered. All made by Whirlpool. Amazing warranties too!
I am a sucker for a slip covered parsons chair… I may have like, uh... 25 slip covers to choose from!
The children's section was oh soooo cute!
Really, a kid would be stylin’ in this highchair!
Free childcare for shopping parents! Oh how I would have used this….
Glassware galore!
Bath fixtures… we will be needing these!
This will be perfect for my train loving little boy. We found our family and our son in Union Station. With autism you meet the kid where he was at and at the time, he was into trains. So, hours were spent down at the station. Now, his room just happens to be grey, white and orange. HA! Meant to be!
It was a GREAT trip and we can’t wait to go back. Kurt, even in his “I AM excited, it just doesn’t look like it, at all. Yes, I know I look miserable, but I am having a good time” kind of way, said “Yeah, we’re not going anywhere else for furnishings.”
The hubs approves, mama is happy! We’ve been living like squatters for a year, with VERY little furnishings, just enough to make it livable and comfortable, just anticipating the opening of IKEA. There are rooms that are totally empty…. Not for long! Let the decorating begin!!!!!!!
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