Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The selections have been made and now it's a big waiting game!

Today we finalized our choices for the house.  I couldn't be happier with the choices.  In the end some products I chose surprised me, but it all felt right.  The back splash is one; the white subways that were offered weren't the ones I had REALLY wanted (I am UBER specific and these weren't "true" subway tiles); yet the glass subway tile in a pale, yet warm, gray just begged for a place in my home.  Thanks to a particular application we wouldn't damage the counters by taking it out one day, if we grew tired of it, IF.  (Granted, the wall behind it would need to be repaired, but... we'll pretend like that isn't the case for now.) This has been Kurt's choice since day one, so that was nice.  I was okay with it because I intend to put in woven wood blinds and that will "warm up" the space, PLUS our wood (on the entire first floor) is another warm element.  And a teeny tiny bit of glam I can squeeze, I will.  ;)  It's a classic shape and pattern with a current material. SO, I feel good about it.

Our carpet changed from a berber to a frieze, our vinyl that is in the baths upstairs changed, sink, bath countertops..... all different than we planned on the way there- BUT- we love it!

Here is a collage of our choices.  Left is kitchen and downstairs.  Right is baths and upstairs.

 My main goal was comfortable, casual, and #1- functional.  If the product was indestructible (or had a GREAT wear rating) it was higher on my list.  :)  The floors, counters, cabs (in the kitchen), sink, carpet all fell under that catagory. 

It's now just the "waiting game".  The home next to our lot, that was a few weeks ahead of us, just began the dig for the basement/foundation this weekend- so we can assume we're a few weeks away from the big dig! 

Kurt's concerned about me now.  He wonders what I am going to do now that I have all this wrapped up; you see, I may or may not have been OBSESSED very detailed about it all.  Well, let's see... um, what's next??? Get this house on the market!?!?!?  We've had this deadline with the new place looming.... SO now this can get our full attention and will be on the market as of the 1st! It gets a few months on the market and if it's unsuccessful it sounds as if my mom and step dad will continue renting it out.  Fingers crossed that it's snatched up immediately!  Yes, in this market.  It's possible!  ;)

Kiddos are all well.  Brennon is in Pueblo with his grandparents (dads side) and the twins are plugging away at school this week.  Kurt has a couple of firehouse shifts this week as well.  I've tried some new recipes.  I didn't post about them.  Why?  Because they were a special kind of nasty!  I wouldn't do that to you!  So, more on the deck and I'll share if I run into something noteworthy!

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